Tuesday 31 August 2010


Day was strange today, let I tell you. I tell you now.

I have strange dream that Johnny and I going down street, only I not carrying Johnny, Johnny carrying me. It feel strange but I more surprised he carry me so far. Johnny normally give me help up staircase and into Johnnyflatroom but he have puny arms so it never far. This time though we go far, but that kind of thing not out of ordinary in dream so I let slide.

Then though I realise there cars in road, so know it not dream after all. When I dream there no cars in road and pedestrian not stupid.

Realising I not in dream and pedestrian still stupid make me feel light headed. Then I realise only front wheel is with Johnny - rest of self somewhere else. I feel naked without rest of self, though it does explain how puny armed Johnny managing so well to carry me.

Johnny and I go in place where lots of bike I not seen before, so I know we not at work. I test just in case and try talk spokes quietly with bike while Johnny look around. It tell me mind own business so I definitely know we not at work.

Johnny hand me to man I not seen before, who take a look inside self. This feel strange and I tell self off for opening up to strangers so easily. Stranger try and tell Johnny what good for me, which I think overly familiar and hope Johnny punch stranger. Johnny instead agree with Stranger, which make me feel like I not as loved as Johnny profess.

Man pulls bits from self then adds new ones which generate inner conflict, but then I treated to free air so that not as bad. I like free air cause I bike.

On way out I try say bye to bike from before and it turn nose up - then I realise I in bike shop. Only bike without a Johnny to carry make effort to be that haughty - especially since turning nose up very difficult for bike.

Johnny and I go home and he reunite me with rest of self, which feel good. Then we go on ride - I assume to work before he put lights on me which make me realise it after work. We go on long trip over two different bridges. Johnny smiling and not saying much. I not say much either cause I bike.

Monday 2 August 2010


I bike. Johnny my human, he work in building. I know where but not what, I not allowed in cause I bike. Johnny put me in cage all day. It sound cruel but there many other bike there so it never lonely. We talk spokes all day, before Johnny come get me and we go home.

I four and a half month old, so I not talk great yet. I learning slowly, just like Johnny learning slowly not to fall off me. He not fallen off for a month now, when he rode me into kerb. He came off worse than me, which was secret plan after last time when he put me head first in pothole size of grand canyon. I not know what grand canyon is but Johnny say pothole that big.

Should probably tell you bit more bout Johnny. From what I gather (he occasionally talk while riding to work and not realise), he work as online news man, mostly for video game. He have many quirky t shirt, but secretly he like flannel shirt best. I know cause I live at bottom of Johnny bed. I try take picture of Johnny to show you what he like but it not turn out great cause I bike.

Here picture of me Johnny take - I on left. Other bike is Johnny friend Josh bike. Josh bike not have official name - I talk more on him in bit.

Yesterday Sunday, Johnny take me on special trip with Johnny friend Josh. He happy to take me place cause I better now, was sick before. Had crank set transplant - I scared before procedure, but man in bike shop do good job and I not die as fear.

Feel better now, so Johnny say he want take me and Josh and Josh bike to Regent's park where friends are. Josh say he want walk and no want take bike. Feel self conscious so pretend not to hear in Johnny room and have think to self. If bell ring in wood but no one around to hear it does pedestrian still glance over shoulder nervously?

Not get time to draw conclusion either way as Johnny convince Josh and we hit road to park.

When get there, many people around so I not talkative - I quite shy despite shiny blue exterior. Soon have plenty to keep busy on though as JohnnyJoshandpeople start play game called rounders. I never see rounders before which strike as strange since Johnny show understanding of game, but he say he not played in years which add up. I only four and a half month old (when I grow up I want be motorcycle, I not sure I mention that).

Johnny go on yellow team and Josh on red - all seem go well until Johnny hit ball and Josh catch - then Johnny run after Josh and tackle him: I not sure if celebration or not, but way they go down remind me of pothole like grand canyon.

Eventually sun go down and JohnnyJosh decide walk home with bike in hand. This make me feel relief. I not try judge, but been watching JohnnyJosh out of corner of eye and they drink many beer, which scare me they drunkcycle home. I never say anything but I not like when Johnny drunkcycle, it scary.

On way back Joshbike and I talk merit of thin tyre over thick tyre. He say thick tyre cause he mountain bike. I agree cause he mountain bike and probably win in fight. I not sure what happen to Joshbike when growing up in Walthamstow, but he not quite all there. He mostly bark like dog and try attack me when he with Josh. I think maybe he jealous of new crank set.